Housing to sustainable housing:

By Sud
Feb 6, 2023


  • As Emission Gap report had highlighted that world is far back at achieving targets of reducing GHG, we need to focus on housing aspect too.
  • Housing is a main greenhouse gas emitting sector; it consumes about 24 % of the India’s electricity and emit over 20 % of total greenhouse gas.

What is Green Housing?

A house having natural environment, it saves electricity and water costs and caused less damage to environment.

Green houses reduce the emission of harmful gasses during construction.

SUNREF Program:

SUNREF aka (Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Energy Finance Program) was launched in 2017, with Agence Française de Développement with EU’s support, aiming at:

  • ↓ negative impacts of the housing industry.
  • Providing more financial assistance to Green Housing. 

Why Green Housing is need of the hour?

  • Our electricity consumption and GHG emission% are increasing rapidly. 
  • Land areas in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities is almost exhausted, here new concept such as Green Housing will help.
  • Green housing, will be beneficial in almost every angle, be it economical and environmental as this concept is sustainable in nature.

Obstacles in Implementing Green Housing:

  • Lack of financial assistance by bank.
  • Lack of awareness about housing sustainability. 

Steps to be taken to make Green Housing applicable:

  • Using low carbon material
  • Retrofitting roofs, windows, and doors can reduce heating and cooling demands by 40%
  • Using of LEDs, can reduce consumption by 80%
  • Govt. and Multilateral dev. Bank and Domestic dev. bank can support such initiative.
  • As the govt. is providing incentives to green housing construction as it supports govt’s mission to cut GHG and achieve sustainable financing 

Date: 01.11.2022

Source: The Hindu Business Line

By: Sudarshan Gurjar

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