Lead, Zinc

By Sud
Mar 12, 2023


  • Lead is not found free in nature and is usually extracted from galena, which is found in veins and masses in crystalline rocks.
  • Lead is malleable, soft, heavy, and a bad conductor of electricity.
  • It is used as an anti-friction metal and a constituent in bronze alloys.
  • Lead oxide is used in cable covers, ammunition, paints, glass making, and the rubber industry.
  • It is also made into sheets, tubes, and pipes for use as sanitary fittings and is increasingly used in automobiles, airplanes, and calculating machines.
  • Lead nitrate is used in dyeing and printing.


  • Lead ores are found in the Himalayas, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, and Andhra Pradesh.


  • Rajasthan produces about 94% of India’s total lead production, with major producers including the Zawar and Debari mines in Udaipur, as well as Dubgarpur, Banswara, and Alwar.
  • The Kurnool and Nalgonda mines in Andhra Pradesh are also known for lead mining.


  • Chief ore of zinc is sphalerite (ZnS) found in veins with other ores like galena, chalcopyrite’s and iron pyrites
  • Zinc is a mixed ore containing lead & zinc
  • Mainly used for alloying and manufacturing galvanized sheets
  • Zinc dust used for preparation of zinc compounds and salts
  • Zinc oxide used in paints, ceramic material, inks, matches, etc.
  • Used for dry batteries, electrodes, textiles, die-casting, rubber industry, and making collapsible tubes


  • Rajasthan produces over 99% of total zinc production in India
  • Zawar mines in Udaipur district responsible for production, deposits also found in Sikkim


  • India imports zinc concentrates from USA, Canada, Zimbabwe, Japan, and Mexico
  • India also imports zinc concentrates from Australia, Peru, Russia, and Zaire


  • Tungsten ore includes wolframite, scheelite, and ferberite, which are predominantly hydrothermal in origin
  • Tungsten is resistant to all acids at ordinary temperatures and has a melting point of 3422oC, the highest of all metals
  • Over 95% of tungsten is used by the steel industry, mainly in the form of ferrotungsten
  • Steel containing tungsten is used in manufacturing ammunition, armour plates, heavy guns, hard cutting tools, etc.
  • Tungsten is easily alloyed with other metals to yield hard-facing, heat, and corrosion-resistant alloys
  • Tungsten is also used for electric bulb filaments, paints, ceramics, textiles, etc.
  • Resources:
    • Resources of tungsten are mainly distributed in Karnataka, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra in India
  • Imports:
    • Domestic requirements are met by imports, mainly from Singapore, USA & UK
  • Exports:
    • Exports are mainly to Germany, USA, Israel, UK, Japan, and Sweden.


  • Pyrite is a sulphide of iron.
  • Chief source of sulphur.
  • High proportion of sulphur is injurious to iron. Hence is it removed and used to produce sulphur.
  • Sulphur is very useful for making sulphuric acid which in turn is used in several industries such as fertilizer, chemicals, rayon, petroleum, steel, etc.
  • Elemental sulphur is useful for manufacturing explosives, matches, insecticides, fungicides and for vulcanizing rubber.
  • Pyrites occur in Son Valley in Bihar, in Chitradurga and Uttar Kannada districts of Karnataka and the pyritous coal and shale of Assam coalfields.
  • It is widely distributed and scattered across the country.

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